British troops leave Boston

Boston & Lexington juggle their dates to make Patriot’s Day a monday, starting with the re-enactment of the Battle of Lexington Green at dawn. The actual battles were on April 19, 1775. These re-enactors are near the Hartwell Tavern, on Battle Road, where British troops retreated under heavy fire from local militia in the woods.
December 16, 1773 – A great crowd gathered at the Old South Meeting House to hear speeches protesting new taxes on imports, including tea. Shouting “Boston harbor a tea party tonight,” they went down to the nearby docks. Thinly disguised as “Mohawks”, fifty men boarded three East India ships – Dartmouth, Beaver and Eleanor. Breaking open 342 chests of imported tea, they dumped the lot into the harbor. The “Intolerable Acts” soon followed as punishment.